Wednesday, September 11, 2013

fall work

This year, Asha wanted to learn how to mow the lawn.
She's picked it up really quickly, although she stops at the corners occassionally to get the "thumbs up" that she is doing a great job.
We have a lot of lawn here on the farm so the more kids helping, the better.
She's still only mowing the open spaces (no edging work yet), but next year she will be good to go.
And.......she won't need the heavy rock on the seat with her to keep the mower running (she's too light in weight to keep the engine going). 
photo editting: pixlr-o-matic
keep creating,

Friday, September 6, 2013

moving day

I took Daria off to MCI yesterday -- a private, Christian school about 2 hours east of home.  My husband & I both attended this school and lived in residence at a young age of 15, so this is not foreign to us at all.  Our van was packed full of all the great things we purchased earlier in Grand Forks for Daria's dorm room (only half is her's -- the other half is her cousin, Brianna's).
The girls....waving "good-bye" to the farm.
A little glimpse into Daria's dorm room.
She'll be sharing the room with another grade 10 student, whom she just met for the first time yesterday.  Her name is Lily and she & her family are incredibly nice.  I'm sure her & Daria will find out they have a lot in common and they will share their space quite easily.
We spent the afternoon registering Daria for all her classes, signing up for sports & choir auditions, meeting teachers & new friends, etc.  We then went to the res and found out where her room was.  We spent until supper organizing all Daria's stuff -- making her bed, organizing her school uniforms in her closet (guess I should have ironed them...oops!), filling her drawers with clothes, setting up her bathroom stuff, etc.
At the end of the evening, I drove down the road, leaving my "little girl" there........confident she is going to have an amazing year!!
Looking forward to these great changes and the excitement of starting years of travelling to MCI for sports, musical & choir events.  I already found myself connecting with past alumni & teachers yesterday -- very cool.
We are so proud of Daria and what this year will bring for her!
keep creating your own new memories,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

8:05 a.m.

First day of school today.
The bus came up the lane this morning & routine for another year was instantly set in motion again.
Carter procrastinating on the couch, trying to catch the last highlights on SportsCentre.
Asha waiting at the door with her jacket & shoes on, excited & ready for another year (her last year in the Early Years School).
The only change this year -- Daria is not on the bus.  She's off to private school 2 hours away, living in residence & coming home on weekends.
Big changes!
(Carter - grade 8)
(Asha - grade 4)
Have a great day!
- jill