The last month has been crazy.
Here's a little glimpse into it.
We have purchased (and watched) 2 new movies, which we highly recommend.
photo source:
My patio cushions have been recovered with fabulous fabrics. I can't wait until all this snow melts so I can "dress" my patio and enjoy the new BOLD look. Who said I was afraid of colour & pattern? I just couldn't decide on ONE specific fabric, so why not mix & match them all.
Carter's hockey team hosted their Provincials and won the Consolation Trophy.
We are now knee-deep into extended season with another team, with tournaments every weekend.
All three of our kids played in the Piano Festival.
Daria is sitting here with my nephew Colin. It was his very first year playing and he won a trophy!!!!! So proud of him!!!
Now we are gearing up for the Vocal Festival in 2 weeks. Fourteen different songs are being practiced in the house these days.
Daria went with an EF Tours group to New York City during spring break. If you are not the parent of a teenager yet...........don't judge me.
She had such a blast!!!
Carter played one of the lead roles in his middle school drama: the villian "Sleazy Tab Lloyd". He did such a great job. He enjoys acting so much & it shows.
My "baby" celebrated her 9th birthday on Easter Sunday.
Happy Birthday, Asha!!!
And today........
I decided that my domestic skills have had a serious holiday so I made chocolate chip banana loaf (x2).....
and homemade soup for lunch.
(no applause needed).

come back soon to see me again.
keep creating (layouts, cards or loaves),
It's nice to read about life at the H household again! I can't believe how old your kids are....seriously! I love that they are so involved musically in the community. Very cool!